The recipe for meatballs the link is on the side but if you click on "cod balls" takes you to the recipe for meatballs.
Almond Garlic Bread
1 onion (a piece the day before)
Potatoes avecren
1 Pill
1 Tomato Olive oil Salt
1 coloring books of matches (saffron)
chickpeas soaked put it yesterday.
In a saucepan put the beans with water to cook only with water and a pinch of salt.
in a pan with olive oil and fry bread we get, the beans and reserve for later in a dish in the same pan fry the peeled garlic, onion when golden brown add the tomatoes (I put it without skin) when the sauce ready as we pass through the mixer (I almonds and when the reserve including bread sauce is almost beaten then the add and so are less chopped almonds), the pill also avecren step with the sauce.
When the chickpeas are cooked add the chickpeas and sauce around the potato pieces and starting to dye carterilla (saffron) when the potatoes are almost cooked add the cod balls let cook a bit more and ready to eat. If necessary, put a little more salt.
Chickpeas are soaked the day before.
En una sartén con aceite de oliva se fríe el pan, mejor del día anterior.
Las almendras se fríen y se reservan para después.
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