Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Importance Of Leisure In Medieval Era

delivery Blankets and pantries in communities. Lilian Guadalupe González Cabrera

Huauchinango, Pue.: Due to the alert issued by the State System DIF due to climate change looming as well as low temperatures expected for this season took place in the delivery of blankets belonging auxiliary boards in this municipality.

The president of the municipal DIF Lilian Guadalupe González Cabrera conducted tour of the 39 communities that belong to Huauchinango where pantries give blankets and cold winter with no program in each of the localities, the president of DIF emphasize the efforts made by State and municipal authorities.

"First of all, receive a greeting from the Governor Mr. Mario Marin Torres and his wife, Mrs. Margarita García Marín, my husband Mr. Rogelio López Angulo. We are here today with you to bring blankets and food pantries, we know that in this era of low temperatures each day are more, that is why we come to the program without cold winter, delivering blankets in each of the communities, as well as a pantry that we bring to you. " Commented the president of the Municipal DIF System.

For their part, presidents auxiliary magistrates and subordinate officers and the presidents of the subsystems DIF appreciated the assistance provided for its people and reiterated their appreciation to Mrs. Lilian Guadalupe González Cabrera and husband Mr. Rogelio López Angulo.


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