" CITA .... HOT
The only frog which was photographed by me, hehehehe. I leave a fling
have what you think.
In the river, I've said my boyfriend, win, (I was earning before, but decided to be posh), (but just a little bit posh), (three hours and fifteen minutes walking), I, with my patent leather heels, black shiny
(I thought my boyfriend Sadri the rail, to meet me), (with the old dappled mule), four in the afternoon, in August, forty-seven degrees, the sun, sees that river, dry! As a roe, in my body had more drops of sweat, which he lost river water, five
!, sevaduras feet, for those chinascos slippery, one in the big toe, another in the small, and also in the middle, take off probe shoes, not so black, or bright (the sun had eaten, the color and brightness), alas, alas, I had to wear them again, the soles of my feet two steaks on the barbecue ,
cicadas with their bad-idea punished my ears, from slipping! ay ay, and, alas, to a tamarisk tarama grip me, ugh!, almost!, regain balance, that unmarried tarama taramazo gave me, on my right cheek bruised purple, red-copper- moldy left to give the sun from front, grasshoppers (locusts) hovered around me, swat van and goods, with the claws of its hind legs hooked ... my white skirt and white. Finally! I see my win, lying in the low shade of some bushes
the elf dry, biting a small stick (no idea it was) a cap on the head scarf echo with mucus, one in every four knots tip of the handkerchief, was won not alone with him thirty and two sheep and three goats, who were seeking desperate inch of shade, the curly poodle, with over two hundred Cailles entangled, obejero pooch! not know me and barking out a living to meet me, (as if I I would like to take the sheep), pulgoso bastard dog!, take succor, giving a return to dry quella elf, its rotten branches seemed to be in conspiracy with the dog pulgoso and stinky, I was hooked to the slots on the wheel of my skirt, and neither was white ... and less new. The gain from eggs of lead, try to kick the happy dog \u200b\u200bthat was not hairy curls that were tangled dreadlocks by Cailles, the dog's kick eluded his master (the slob win), then to give almost eleven laps to the drying Elf (Book I puppy balls), with their hoarse barking and my screams echoed in the dry river stones, formed a alvoroto of the thirty-two silly sheep ( maybe for good look silly) who started to chase one another, with heads down aimlessly, where he was one were all. The three goats did not move the site to keep the little shadow, just missed the commotion and watched while ruminating, and sometimes Bind bawling. That dog hair gray or brown (that's me!), Seeing his flock escarriado went flying, barking almost giving back to those thirty-two sheep, and knew as if calved ubiese went straight to the most advanced one that revuluciono the flock, (if not a sheep, I would call a mad goat). In my view take effort earn my boyfriend, I was short-sighted, since sunglasses at a discount llebava I buy them (cost me three euros), I could make you smile, I could not distinguish whether it was a smile of mocking laughter or love. In doubt was whether to slap or hug your neck, it was decided the last thing the sensible thing for my situation, I made an effort to pronounce a word water!, Other more water!, That win with one eye closed and one open while chewing one stick (no idea it was) would in any branch, (and I care that was!?), long arm and offered me a cask of wine in memory of his great grandfather, made with the skin of a sheep, (poor sheep), I was telling my finger, no, my boyfriend said that the water deceives and "pa" as Peze "I was forced to tiptoe that thing (the boot of wine), it was not" "or red or white, or color, "", (Asunción, hehehe), the heat had fermented and was sour and bitter as poison, desperate look at the dry river, I saw a little pool with four fingers of bottom water unbreakable knees on the floor and my two palms of my hands, (four legs) when I saw frogs began to jump into the water, (they were taking the sun), (that value), those frogs and a toad I muddied the water, but I did not care, that frog and never left without wanting to kiss him .. . OOOh!, toad toad was stopped being my win, that prince beat changed, the river water was fresh and abundant green trees everywhere, and the elves flowered pink and white flowers, the grasshoppers and the cicadas were a beautiful orchestra of melodies that I accompanied my step, the thirty-two sheep were not sheep, was his faithful seguitos, and those three goats were her ever bred, the dappled dappled mule was not, nor mule or donkey was a white horse and was called "Emperor. I do not know if this is reality, or is an invention of mine, or a high fever, or a dream, or a heat wave condition my reason, or a fantasy of mine. Only it was a "hot date ...."
Oh!, I forgot, and that pooch that both running and getting me!, "What we put it?, Was the first secretary of his majesty, would you like it??. ***
author LBB
With affection and humor.